Make a contribution to humanity

Chose what project you want to be part of

Project 1

The KinkPlatform

Kink Platform is an online community where people passionate about kink, fetish, and BDSM have a place to socialize, to monetize by selling content or broadcasting, or they can buy fetish-related products from the fetish marketplace. Have everything we need in one place.

The Project KINK is a web app using blockchain technology in the adult niche,more specific Fetish niche, the project integrates the utility and the creation of a new token representing the KINK world. 

The main objective is to unite creators,models with fans,members and unite in a trustful community where they can be themselves,be accepted and appreciated,feel they belong.

The total buget that must be alocated to the coding and creation of this project is $100.000.

As the inventor and creator of Kink Platform carrying a deeper purpose serving this community and the people,my dream is to see it materialize.

To make it happen I need humble,generous people to step on board and together we create something beautiful, with purpose. If you think this is something that your heart lungs for and is part of your mission in life,same like is mine ,then you can make a donation and be part of the crowdfunding group.

Being part of the initial crowfunding group comes with many benefits including having shares of the company. For more info and technical details please contact me.

Project 2

The Artists Foundation

The foundation serves a deeper humanitarian purpose to encourage people to create and talented artists to get recognition.

The foundation is speciallly created for the artists, the main goal is to create an online presence, for start, creating a virtual gallery for them to promote themselves and exhibit their art, promote themselves as artists.

The future vision is to build in an Art gallery and a museum, organize exhibits, and help artists with their careers, with the museum the main objective is to contribute to the education of the public and bring ART and Culture to locals and tourists to visit.

To help more young talented artists gain visibility and recognition, the goals are to expand beyond the space of our art gallery.

With the foundation and participation of the Art Universities, we will raise funds for humanitarian projects with the mission of supporting young talents who don`t have possibilities to create.

If you feel this is part of your mission in life to help artists and suport my project than you can make a donation and be part of the movement.

Project 3

The Temple

The temple is a BDSM studio meant to become a sanctuary for people passionate about kink and BDSM, a place of reflection.

This project is one of my longest  and close to my heart dreams. I always wanted to share my knoledge for true art of BDSM,all the benefits that comes with and to educate people into the real art of practice.

My mission is to spread my knoledge,my vision,my experience,my care and love for people that share same passions. The real art of bdsm has much deeper understanding and value that most people think.

From a scientific perspective, there are a few reasons why BDSM is so popular among practitioners

1. Neurological rewards.

At the core of BDSM is the interconnection of pain and pleasure and the body releases endorphins and dopamine, natural painkillers, and pleasure chemicals. This biochemical response can lead to states of euphoria

2. Psychological Fulfilment

Beyond the physical BDSM offers profound psychological experiences allowing participants to experience power dynamics, trust, vulnerability, and healing.

3. Terapeutical and Healing

Latest psychological studies show that BDSM significantly impacts emotional healing gaining control and processing certain emotions and past traumas. It is considered to be SOUL-BONDING , in the deeper states of mind, you let your soul free and be able to connect.

4. Exploring Sensations

Either psychological or physical all BDSM activities are bound to the exploration of sensory experiences, mental states, and emotions.

The world of BDSM opens a door to a huge variety of tools and toys designed to heighten sensations

In conclusion, the reason why there is so much interest in BDSM is not only because of the novelty, and the desire to explore but because is rooted in our psychology and biology.

I know my mission is to help this comunity,to educate people passionate about kink,give them a space of recolection,give them a space to express themselves and to be themselves.

The project of opening a BDSM Studio requires furniture aquesition, decorations, accesories and tools. The total founding price is $30.000 .If you want to be part of my dream you can participate by making a donation or if you want to invest and be co-partner in business please contact me. Then we can create something great together,to serve the people in need and make a better comunity,a happy loving place for kink passionates.

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About Me

People say I am just pure light and joy. I brighten up a room and radiate so much positivity, creativity, love, and wonderful things. This is me!

As I reached the highest level of consciousness I feel i am here wondering in this world to achieve great things, to serve and help humanity. To use my creative energy for the benefit of others not for selfish gains. To give unconditionally, share wonder and love, share light.


Why Making a Contribution?

benefit 1

Support a great cause and be part of creating amazing things together

benefit 2

Give and you will receive. This is the flow of life, the universe will reward you

benefit 3

Being part of my journey means benefiting from it.My gains are your gains

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